A co-op experience at the Institute of Technology Development of Canada provides our students with a number of benefits:

  • Being able to apply knowledge and skills gained
  • Strengthening of employable skills
  • Working in their discipline over a meaningful period of time
  • Gaining project, organization and time management skills
  • Being responsible for a set of deliverables
  • Gaining insight into how businesses operate
  • Increasing professional confidence
  • Establishing contacts and networking for future employment

A co-op experience at the Institute of Technology Development of Canada provides our students with a number of benefits:

  • Being able to apply knowledge and skills gained
  • Strengthening of employable skills
  • Working in their discipline over a meaningful period of time
  • Gaining project, organization and time management skills
  • Being responsible for a set of deliverables
  • Gaining insight into how businesses operate
  • Increasing professional confidence
  • Establishing contacts and networking for future employment